National Security Experts Speak Out on Anti-Torture Legislation
Mark was among the twenty retired military leaders and national security professionals that came to Washington D.C. and met with senators from both sides of the aisle to advocate for support for the legislation solidifying the ban on torture. Mark praised the amendment advocated for data-proven approaches and to take torture off the table, as it is illegal and something we should never consider again.
Beyond Torture: The New Science Of Interrogating Terrorists
Newsweek journalist Rupert Stone interviewed Mark in his article on the use of science to inform the practice of interrogation and how the Army Field Manual special appendix that allows for cruel treatment, such as prolonged solitary confinement and sleep and sensory deprivation, should be reviewed and updated.
A Bipartisan Group of US Senators Would Like to Re-Ban Torture Again
Mark was interviewed by Vice News journalist Jason Leopold on how the passage of the McCain-Feinstein anti-torture amendment was long overdue and how a universal standard across all agencies is required. Mark had met with members of Congress advocating for passage of the amendment and the review of the Army Field Manual; promoting the use science and evidence-based research for more effective interrogations.
Expert Reveals Why Torture Doesn’t Work
The Daily Echo reported that Mark would be talking about significant counterterrorism investigations and the impact of the 9/11 attacks on US policies and practices, including the origins of the CIA Rendition, Detention and Interrogation program.
Interrogation Expert Gives Torture Lecture
The University of Portsmouth announced that Mark would be giving a public lecture at the Univesity, hosted by the Department of Psychology’s International Centre for Research in Forensic Psychology.
A Severed Head, Two Cops, And The Radical Future Of Interrogation
Wired Magazine did a story on how some of the government HIG sponsored research into lawful and effective interview and interrogation practices are being utilized by local police departments to improve practices. The article highlighted some of the successes within the Los Angles Police Department Detective Bureau. Mark told Wired “We haven’t operationalized enough of the research” and explained embracing the behavioral sciences could revolutionize law enforcement procedures that way DNA had.