Doctors and Detainees: The Role of Medical Professionals in Counterterrorism Efforts

Mark was interviewed for The Stream on Al Jazeera and discussed the role of medical professionals in torture.  Mark said that the CIA outsourced torture to SERE psychologists lacking meaning experience in interrogation or terrorism to create the EIT program. Mark explained SERE, by design, hardens resistance and that Mitchell and Jessen damaged U.S. national security by the shameful practices they implemented.

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Al Jazeera

CNNi talks to security consultant Mark Fallon about the CIA torture report

Mark was interviewed by CNN International about the release of the Senate SSCI Torture Report executive summary and responded to comments made by CIA Director John Brennan.  Mark emphasized that there has been a lack of accountability and there needs to be an assessment of how much damage has been done by not resorting to tried and true interrogation methods that in the past had effectively elicited reliable intelligence and evidence from terror suspects.

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Did US torture help track down Osama Bin Laden?

Rev. Al Sharpton talked with Mark about the release of the Senate Torture Report executive summary and whether CIA torture worked. Mark told MSNBC there was no basis for the CIA going down the road to torture and the people who created the program were not interrogation professionals and did not rely on subject matter experts in interrogation.  Mark explained that personnel within the CIA were disgusted by the EIT program and there is no valid information that torture was necessary or effective.

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