Surviving, Evading, Resisting and Escaping (SERE) Accountability
Mark wrote an Op-Ed published in the Huffington Post on how it’s time for President Obama and Congress to take bipartisan action to ensure we never venture into the dark side and torture again.
Congress, Administration Must Renew Efforts to Close Guantanamo
In an Op-Ed in The Huffington Post, Mark wrote that America would be judged, and judged harshly, for not closing the Guantanamo Bay prison sooner, as it has become a strategic liability and a symbol of injustice, oppression and torture.
Closing Guantanamo: American Ideals and Interesets
Mark participated in a Human Rights First public service announcement video about the strategic consequences of keeping the Guantanamo Bay prison open. Mark said you need a place to hold enemy combatants and to exploit a detainee for their intelligence value, but that is not what had occurred at Guantanamo Bay.
Treatment of the 20th Hijacker
Witness to Guantanamo released a video tape of Mark describing how the interrogation techniques used on Mohammed al-Qahtani at GTMO were illegal and hardened his resistance.
An Opportunity Lost
Witness to Guantanamo released a video tape of an interview of Mark regarding treatment of GTMO detainees and how it worked against our national security goals and created the very adversaries we feared.
The McCain Anti-Torture Amendment
Mark was among a group of intelligence officials from the DOD, CIA, FBI and NCIS urging Congress to support for the McCain Amendment to the FY 2016 National Defense Authorization Bill to prohibit coercive interrogation techniques.