Conflicting Interrogation Techniques

Witness to Guantanamo release a video of an interview of Mark discussing how the manner in which military interrogations were being conducted were in direct conflict with the techniques used by the FBI, CITF and other federal law enforcement and counterintelligence agencies.

Event Date
Witness to Guantanamo
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An Opportunity Lost

Witness to Guantanamo released a video tape of an interview of Mark regarding treatment of GTMO detainees and how it worked against our national security goals and created the very adversaries we feared.

Event Date
Witness to Guantanamo
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Using Science to Improve the Practice of Interviewing and Interrogation

Mark co-authored an article published in Police Chiefs Magazine about how research can improve the practice of interrogation and how the research studies offer an unprecedented perspective on the challenges, successes and mediations of overcoming resistance and collecting important information from non-cooperative sources.

Event Date
IACP Police Chief Magazine