National Security Experts Speak Out on Anti-Torture Legislation

Mark was among the twenty retired military leaders and national security professionals that came to Washington D.C. and met with senators from both sides of the aisle to advocate for support for the legislation solidifying the ban on torture.  Mark praised the amendment advocated for data-proven approaches and to take torture off the table, as it is illegal and something we should never consider again.

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Human Rights First

A Bipartisan Group of US Senators Would Like to Re-Ban Torture Again

Mark was interviewed by Vice News journalist Jason Leopold on how the passage of the McCain-Feinstein anti-torture amendment was long overdue and how a universal standard across all agencies is required.  Mark had met with members of Congress advocating for passage of the amendment and the review of the Army Field Manual; promoting the use science and evidence-based research for more effective interrogations.

Event Date
Vice News

Beyond Torture: The New Science Of Interrogating Terrorists

Newsweek journalist Rupert Stone interviewed Mark in his article on the use of science to inform the practice of interrogation and how the Army Field Manual special appendix that allows for cruel treatment, such as prolonged solitary confinement and sleep and sensory deprivation, should be reviewed and updated.

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Conflicting Interrogation Techniques

Witness to Guantanamo release a video of an interview of Mark discussing how the manner in which military interrogations were being conducted were in direct conflict with the techniques used by the FBI, CITF and other federal law enforcement and counterintelligence agencies.

Event Date
Witness to Guantanamo
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An Opportunity Lost

Witness to Guantanamo released a video tape of an interview of Mark regarding treatment of GTMO detainees and how it worked against our national security goals and created the very adversaries we feared.

Event Date
Witness to Guantanamo
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